Thursday, April 15, 2010

True or Fake?

True or Fake???

If one day you see a news about Lion Wood have a sex scandal with a Malaysia woman on the net,will you choose to trust it or not? For me,probably would if the news have some "true" images or "evidences" to support it.

Internet is a powerful tool that we can use to do a lot of stuffs..Facebooking, watch interesting videos or do your homeworks. But some info or contents are not real,not ORIGINAL..It might be mixed up with some other people opinions or maybe edited by some people. So, we needs to judge it by our own mind..

If we just take in whatever it was and without analyse it, we might get the wrong infos. So, do not get fooled by the informations given, think thoroughly..For me, i will definitely check the truth 1st before taking it..In the reality world,it is the same thing too..Do not make a conclusion without investigate it..

Comments are welcome..=)


  1. But sometimes, those fancy, aswesome, professional edited video or photos might make us lost our mind to think whether is real or nt...

  2. So,keep our minds strong!!
    We are not longer kids, we have the abilities to analyses..
