Thursday, April 15, 2010


We would like to take this opportunity to say our final FAREWELL to this blog. We love this blog very much. It had help us to understand media very much.

I would also like to thank the lecturers for their time and effort to read our blog.


Any body who wants to cry , can cry now ~


your sincerly,
members of this blog = )

NO ....

In now days,internet already become one part of our daily life. Many people using internet to chat,communicate,doing business,looking news and many.Thos thing also include TRUE and FAKE issue inside,cant be believe at all. For me, i m not believe at all what report by internet and wont go for seperate out those fake news.

Sometime people are using internet as a mediam to seperate those fake information. Those information were reported and without showing any evident to prove it. Sometime people are so stupid and go for it and believe what that fake information. This will make the social become very chaos

Example,now day having a famous website,FACEBOOK. In facebook, all thing are post by it users and did not have any evident show it was true. Many newspaper also report that many girl were missing cause knew someone in through FACEBOOK and having a date with him. Then , the accident will happen. People must care what the peoson you add in FACEBOOK, cause what thing or comment u post and comment are watch by whole worlds FACEBOOK users. They will know something about u and get near to u.

So we must not believe all what report in internet because it having high risk are FAKE news which want us taken in.

True or Fake?

True or Fake???

If one day you see a news about Lion Wood have a sex scandal with a Malaysia woman on the net,will you choose to trust it or not? For me,probably would if the news have some "true" images or "evidences" to support it.

Internet is a powerful tool that we can use to do a lot of stuffs..Facebooking, watch interesting videos or do your homeworks. But some info or contents are not real,not ORIGINAL..It might be mixed up with some other people opinions or maybe edited by some people. So, we needs to judge it by our own mind..

If we just take in whatever it was and without analyse it, we might get the wrong infos. So, do not get fooled by the informations given, think thoroughly..For me, i will definitely check the truth 1st before taking it..In the reality world,it is the same thing too..Do not make a conclusion without investigate it..

Comments are welcome..=)

True??? False??? Don't Know???

So.... YEAH!!!!!!!!!! This is the last discussion.

Alright. So this week we are going to discuss whether what is on internet is true or fake.
When i first starting using internet, I almost trust that everything is true. Maybe that time i was still young and won't think much about it.

But now...I don't think that everything in internet is truth... Some of it yes, but some of it no.
Those articles or news that we get from newspaper official website is mostly the truth. For those news that spread by people in facebook or forum, I will check about it before i trust it. I will find the relevant information about the news.

Besides that, I normally judge the article on internet based on the picture provided. Articles with pictures are more easier to convince me. But i still will look at the picture and see whether it had been photoshoped. And I also try to read the articles to check whether it is rational.

There is lots of things in internet nowadays. And lots of truth and lots of fake too. So we should judge it nicely before spreading it to our friends.

Things on internet true or false????

Is it true or false???

If for me... things on internet i won't trust it... although it is true or false i won't believe non of them....if when i was use to be small i... think i will believe all of them...but now.... one word can explain all the things it is NO NO NO......

Actually now a day... anyone can post anything to internet. And most of them are scammers but most of the news write by the scammers are quite funny and entertainment.... if when i am free i would like to read it for entertain.....

There are a lot of fake news post on facebook, blog, video of youtube, and forum.....most of the scammers using tis few website to make money and scam people....

As my friend say they upload the photo to favebook but some of the photo is fake one... so thats why got an american girl is get scam by a facebook scammers and get rape and kill... so please do research about the guy true identity before meet up....

Then now lets talk about youtube..... i have watch a lot of video on youtube but you cant say all of them are fake, there also got alot are true one....But some of the video are try to scam people to download virus to your before you download please have a check first for safety....

Don't easily trust what internet say....

Truth, Lies and the Internet

Do you often take what is on the Internet as truth without thinking much about it? For me, the answer is no. For my opinion, People shouldn't believe everything they read--especially, it seems, on the Internet. Even Wikipedia is not that reliable, as everyone stand a chance to modify the information.
"Wikipedia articles sometimes descend into a free-for-all, and the information may be biased or inaccurate."- Jimpkarpen.

Sometimes, the information we found in the internet can be either a story made by anyone in order to get famous, to fool the others, etc... "Professional proved that..." was always been used without giving any information such as who is that, what experiment, where, when? Some may look logical but after some time, some started to play with these so called "professional article", for some funny example, eat Taiwan "Zhang Hua" meat ball can strengthen sexual ability, French Kiss can cause pregnancy...and those professional just hide aside and watch the audience reaction.
Even for those "Official" Internet source can be the media created in order to perform a political influence or a religion influence in order to get the audience in control, decide a common dream or ideal for everyone, just like the "American dream", or create a stereotype.

The personality in the internet can be lie too, Many user use other's photo as the profile to make friend with others and lied to their profile information too.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Finally Its Gonna Be Over!!

Ok.. So this week's topic is about trusting or not of whats on the internet. So.. my opinion is.. well.. Depends..? Do i Really have to choose yes or no..? I'd say No. No doubt some news being publish on the net is genuine.

Im a basic user of the internet. So i basically surf the web every day and night. And hell yeah.. there are those news which are all scammers. But some are quite funny to read for entertainment. I used to trust what i read on the net. But after coming out to the real world to live in reality with people you cant trust 100%, i realise and learned alot about how to differentiation. The world wide web was developed to help advance and make mankinds life easier.

Then came YOUTUBE, one of the top video streaming website. All kinds information are being publish. Scammers realise that it was their best place to play their card right. So dumb people slowly believed whatever is on and then get scam.

Soon came FACEBOOK, my personal favourite. Stalkers were introduced and becoming common. I do like to stalk sometimes, but some stalkers stalk and plan their prey in detail. So be careful of who you add and what you post on the net. Don't trust everything You See!! Think it over before making a desicion


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Are things on internet true ?


Based on my opinion, i think some things on the internet are not trustable. Not everything is fake on the internet as we see so. I used to trust everthing on the internet when i started to use internet as a kid.After i got scam, i learned my lesson and begin to consider about the stuffs i see on internet.

We must consider about the stuffs post on the internet. Anyone can post it. A kid, spammer, conman or an adult. Regardless of the ages and type, there are many type of people out there.

We can see there are many scams now day. For example, fake news on FACEBOOK and videos on YOUTUBE . People are misusing these 2 websites to sell, buy and scam others.

Let's say Facebook, there are alot of people who disguise by uploading a photo of themselve. The photo may not be them. Maybe its real , maybe its fake. From the monitor it looks nice, but when meeting face to face, it will be shocking!

Another example is YOUTUBE , there are too many users using it. SO, there are many videos which is either true or fake. How do we believe it ? Now days, videos can be easily edited with a software. Anyone can film themselve and edit the video and upload it to youtube.

I think one of the way to consider wether a post on the internet is true or false is to read the comments by the viewers and google it to get more proof.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

What is stereotype

Stereotype mean the first image of u when we see something through media.

Example,normally we watch chinnes culture movie,the first image out from our mind is that this movie sure having "kongfu" fighting in the story.This is what normally people think when watch a chinnes movie.

Beside that,we also can find that stereotype happen in our daily life.Example,normally we see a pretty girl,what is the first outcome from our mind? Answer is "isn't that girl having boyfriend"!

In movie storyline, the rich person always drive BIG car and stay in BIG house.This will directy effect what we think when we see this people in our real life. When we see our friend or other people drive BIG car or stay BIG house, our mind will giving the same answer as what i said. This is effect by the stereotype of media

Media Stereotypes

Since all of my friends had explained what is the meaning of stereotypes. So i will just straight to the point and talk about some examples of media stereotypes.

1. In American movie, chinese people will never have big eyes and can't pronounce english properly. There are a lot movies that showed this example. Look around the chinese people, is their eyes really that small? For the pronunciation, chinese people nowadays can speak proper english too.

2. Pretty girls are dumb. A lot of pretty girls in the movie will show stupid action and mostly have low education level. This is not true. There are lots of pretty girls out there who is lawyer, doctor, engineer or any professional workers.

3. Now, let's have a look at anime. The main actor of the anime is sure the most unexperienced one. Despite don't know anything, but they are 100% talented. The main actor learn things fast and can be very lucky. In the end, the main actor save the world.

4. Muscular man are gay. This is another stereotype that cause by media. When you think of muscular man, then 1 word will cross over your mind - gay. A person sexual orientation is somehow not related to the appearance. So, when you saw a muscular guy. Don't think that he is gay.


Sterotype reflect ideas or images that groups of people hold about others who are different from them, judged by specified symbolism. Stereotypes act like codes that give us a instant, common understanding —usually relating to their identity, ethnicity or race, gender, social role or job, sometimes embedded in single word or phrase (such as, "nerd") Media plays a big role in stereotype.

Some of the stereotype suggested by media are, Muslims are all terrorists, British people are all live in castles & talk like the queen, Blondes are stupid, Americans are stupid & fat, Gay men are sissys, muscular, Women are not as smart as men, Asian men have small penises, Black men have huge penises, White men are wimps, Black women are agressive, White women are push overs, Asian women are submissive.

A stereotype influence from a mass media can control the common sense of the audience among a certain subject. For a good way, media can promote working female figure to suggest a stereotype of working woman have higher working ability to man in some field so that the influenced audience will acknowledge women's social position.

Stereotype can be very useful to media. With stereotype, information can be presented in easier way, form a rough image with certain characteristic, the audience can easily get the information the media presenting by reflection thinking.

The stereotype is a natural reflection carried out by out brain memory. Our memory was created when we receive sensory stimulation, and recorded in to our brain together with our current emotion. For example, since we born, everyone says lemon is sour,we heard about it, and it saved as our audio memory, and we see the lemon, it become vision memory, taste it, we will remember the taste. when we hear about the word lemon again, its not necessary to imagine how sour it is, or imagine that squeezing the lemon in your mouth, but while reading the words, or heard it, most of the audience's brain will start reading related information, most audience will star secret saliva. That's how stereotype work, just like Pavlov's dog.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Stereotype in MY mind..

Based on my experiences,i have seen many stereotypes around us everyday..
Stereotype is defined as public belief about specific groups,types or people..
I have a cute example to share with you all..
when u walking on streets,u saw a foreigner in white skin,what u will think about him?
Speaking English well ? an American ? haha..
These was what in my mind..
Many Hollywood movies have vilifies and changes the first impression of a thing or people..

Example: White skin as hero, Eastern people are not good in English and funny,western countries are advanced countries and so on..
I remembered when i was small,i like to watch cartoons a lot..almost everyday..haha
The bad characters in cartoon are always with moustache , fat, talks in hoarse voice, black and likes to shouting..
now i think back" not all people like this are bad people,some are kind people"..
I like to read magazines..i will buy one magazine mostly is based on its cover..
the covers usually used sexy girls or men models as figures in cover..It seems like with these covers will have better sells..

PS: I not mean those adult magazines..haha..

I would like to know what is your stereotype too, comment in below..

My View On This Week's Topic..

Ok.. So this week we're gonna talk on Stereotypes.. I did some research on wikipedia and its explaination about stereotype is ( What I can elaborate from that is stereotype is basically base on one view's opinion.. We assume many things from the first impression. We assume this and that and what so ever, but is that really the real meaning for it?

I think Media plays a big role in stereotype. Whatever they display to us..That is what we will absorb and life goes on. For example : A blogger wrote about TNB to sue WWF.. Most people believed it and started criticizing about TNB.. Then the real news came out.. That it was actually the bloggers fault trying to blackmail TNB.. Then there are all those skim cepat kaya which are all lazy people trying to make money out of dump people.. And those dump people actually believed it that making money is so easy.. For God Sake.. Nothing is Easy in life, Unless You Do it The Illegal way..

Then there is also the good part for stereotype. When tragic happens.. Media displays it widely throughout television, internet and many more. Such stereotypes gives the impression of sad, pityful, chaos and many more. People all over the world will unite and try to help in ways.. Some tries to donate for the unfortunate and more..

So this is basically of what I have to say about STEREOTYPE.. At the end of A day.. Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover.. Think Twice before reacting or making a decision.. It may make A big Difference.. The Power Is In Your Hand..


What is stereotype? I think it is they reflect ideas that groups of people hold about others who are different from them.

Media is the causes of stereotype, because when we watch a cartoon, the first thing come out of my mind is mickey mouse. This is because when i was small i use to be watching mickey mouse and it definitely cant erase it from my brain, i think it is because it always brings happiness to me not even me for some of the people who have watch mickey mouse before also will think as like me......

However, there are two type of stereotype either positive like (tall people are good on basketball) or negative like (thin girls are crazy on diet). This is why stereotype ignore the uniqueness of individuals by painting all members of a group with the same brush.

Stereotype can also quit use full one media because it provide a quick identity for a person to make it more easily to known by the audience.

Friday, April 2, 2010


What is stereotype ? I think it is a believe or concept that we learn from media like television , radio and newspaper advertisement.

Media is one of the main cause for stereotype. For example, when we watch a movie which contains a chinese character, the first thing that come to our mind is kung fu . This is because chinese people always hold the role of characters that are good and able to fight.

We can see that the Americans control stereotype with their media. They can easily influence people especially teenagers. This is why, we can see that the American culture had influenced most part of the world because of their power towards media.

This is why stereotype can easily influence and change someone's view toward something because we spent most of our time watching advertisement, dramas and reality shows. Not everything we watch on television is real. The producers make us believe its real and because we never seen it or experience it before, we will believe it.

For example
, when people see blonde hair girls as dumb, slow and easily get cheated. Then, when people see tattoo, they tought the guy or girl is a bad or violent person

There are thousands and thousands of media out there, some are scams, some are real, some are stereotype.

So, dont be easily influence by media.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Bloggers are not journalist

On now days,blogging is a way for people to write their daily work or daily emotion through internet. This is not same as journalist because sometime this is a private thing which the blogger do want to release out. Sometime,what write from the blog is not true and realistic and also no have evident to ensure that it really happen now. One thing which not fair is that journalists are protect by law but bloggers are not. This can be show that what ever blogger write on their blog, they must responsible to what they said. But the journalists are all report what other people said and do at every side of worlds.

Blogger = Journalists ?

Are blogger equal to journalists??

Some said yes, some said not.

ME?I do not think so..
Under law,Blogger is not considered as journalist either..
((( we must follow the law..haha..XD )))

Why?For me, blogger is people who express their feelings,what they thought while journalist is people that write just to get their jobs done and earns money.

Blog is more free than journal..
One can write anything on their particular blogs but were limited and formal in journal.
Nowadays blogging has been a trend and a ways for people to share with other people what they want...Through reading other people blogs, we can know about their life now,daily activities,feelings,stories and so on...Journal is different from Blog... Journal is a newspaper, magazines,records or researches that provides us information and news.Not all journal published are 100% real to the original story,some might go through the filter of different people,organizations or governments,and at last it became a
Nowadays blogging has been a trend and a ways for people to share with other people what they want...Through reading other people blogs, we can know about their life now,daily activities,feelings,stories and so on...Journal is different from Blog... Journal is a newspaper, magazines,records or researches that provides us information and news...Not all journal published are 100% real to the original story,some might go through the filter of different people,organizations or governments,and at last it became a ANOTHER story.
SAME thing happened to blog also.
Some people misuse the freedom of blogging to attacks other people,spreads the wrong info and cheats.

They are like magicians, can change anything upside down or in and out.

Example: mice to elephant(metaphor)

One apple cannot be eat, not all apple cannot be eat。(my quote,haha)
there are many good bloggers who are honest and justice published the original and reliable news on their blog and i think this is a good things..
We can get to know many unveiled news and behind the stories.

Blogger and journalist are different just like doctors and veterinarian are different。

No matter you are blogger or journalist,think the consequences before u post anything.
Because there are many EYES watching us..


Bloggers are not journalists. Yea, my answer is "NO".

Bloggers is just people who open up a website n post about their feelings, their thoughts and etc. Maybe you will said that some bloggers is posting something that is somehow the real truth of the story. But then, in my point of view. They are still NOT journalists. Let's see why.

Someone have to study in university and graduate and then get a degree or whatever and finally they work as a journalist. This is the person who are the real journalist. Bloggers without any qualification should not be said as a journalist.

Journalists and bloggers have lots of differences. Such as a journalist get paid, a blogger not. A journalist have to write about news almost everyday, a blogger can update his blog as he like.
Journalist write things that is the view of publicity and also the truth, but blogger post things that is in his/her view and feelings. There is also blogger who make fake news but a journalist can't do that.

The news about TNB sue WWF

P/S : the original link for dis news is deleted by the original blogger. This is a copy paste by the other person.

So it clearly state that bloggers are not journalists...


Are blogger journalists? For me I will say no.....As you can see.... journalists write to get their job done....and they also get paid, for blogger they are write what they own feel, spread the anger and their opinion.

Hidden news....
As you see a lot of news which are hidden by government, journalists cant write all those news to the world but blogger are not control by the government so they can write what they like....but some of the news are fake.

So this why i think blogger are not journalists.......

Are Blogs new Journalism?

Is blogging the new form of Journalism? If asked I'd it depends to the blogger. As one of the later social media, blogging is basically a newer type of writing style. Most of the personal blogs today are not journalism, but a medium for someone to express themselves. to write out their daily events, opinion and even some sensitive, religious or political views. These kinds of blogs mentioned are not journalism as most of them do not have a formal, reliable source of research, and some is not informative in content. Besides, they are not under the protection of laws and they will get sued for insulting any group of society such as country, religion, sex and moreover. On the other hand, journalism blogs were blogs posted by journalist with proper form of article, informative figure and reliable reference. They provides reliable research information for others reference. Some bloggers hire journalist to blog for them. besides, some journalist were licenced to write, Their articles are protected by laws.

p.s. those days, the different between journalist and blogger was journalist WAs paid to write but blogger write as they like, nowadays everyone can get profit from their blogs.

Bloggers Are Definitely Entertainers..

Blogger are Not Journalist.. They create stories and write their own opinion base on what comes out from their mind. They have no confirm sources, other then their brains. Come to talk bloggers, they are definitely entertainers. WHY? Cause all the fake news and information they give makes us laugh. LIKE? There was one recent news about A blog that wrote about TNB TO SUE WWF!! Hahahaaa!! That was a good one!! Now that blogger's a wanted guy and TNB can't seem to find him. Pity him. Daily updated news are being show on news website,TV and other resources from real journalist. Bloggers just takes their news and turn them into theirs and with funny funny opinion of their OWN. So basically.. Blogger's ARE NOT JOURNALIST.