Thursday, March 18, 2010

Social Media...

So, for this week we are talking about social media. How social media is affecting people's life.

Well, let's see what I am doing now. I am doing my assignment by posting in the blog(one of the social media). I don't have to get my work done in the microsoft words and print it out before the submission day and lastly hand it to lecturer. All I need 2 do is just post in the blog n lecturer will see it through the blog. How convenient.

Other than this, let us look at facebook. Although a lot post there already talking about facebook, but still i want to talk about it. HAHA! Last time, when social media were not so common yet. Students who left his hometown to study at other place, their parents have to phone them by using telephone to know their situation. But look at now, i got friend whose mother have a facebook account. The mother will know what her son is doing recently by just going 2 his facebook profile. No more phone calls. If parents will like to hear their children's voice, they just have to use the Voice over Internet Protocol(VoIP). So, this shows that how social media have changed the way of people communicate.

Social media is also used in doing business too. "If you can harness social media marketing, you don’t have to pay for advertising any more.” by Sequoia Capital partner Mark Kvamme.
Many big companies are now using social media as a platform for promoting.

Lastly, video sharing. This social media was somehow make a lot of people become famous. Last year example, Susan Boyle. I believed that if her video was not show in youtube, or without youtube, She won't be famous in a couple days. Youtube is a popular video sharing media. Lots and lots of people getting famous by using youtube. And then YouTube Star this term appeared. I personally recommend Peter Chao this youtube star. If you want to know who is Peter Chao, just search his name in youtube.

Conclusion, social media affects my life, your life, his life, her life and EVERYONE's life.
Comment me... :P


  1. facebook mother rocks!!haha..
    From what you posted, we can know that wothout social media in our world,our world will becomes less convenient..development of a community or individual will be slower..big companies have to use more money,more times,more ways to reach their customer group and advertise their products..
    Anyway,social media have its bad side too..
    and this must depend on consumers themselves to be alert and be careful on these negative influences.

  2. Your essay ....very very long .You write this for english sure get A.

    In my opinion, social media makes the world goes round. Without it, humans would probably live like the past where communication and social is quite a problem.

  3. i support what you said, social media really bring benefit to our life

  4. nowadays free media can be found anywhere, people use media like facebook, myspace to know each other, even they have never meet each other before. they are also able to track others' activity. Some free broadcasting and sharing medium like youtube, myspace, blogger, enable everyone to share the things, and become someone.
