Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Social Media

What is social media ??

To me , i think social media is a way to social through a medium to other media users . Example of way to social media are internet , advertisement , television , radio and many more .Normally when people talks about social media, the first word that comes out of their mouth is "FACEBOOK" , "TWITTER" and "YOUTUBE ".

Social Media had change people's view and thoughts on socializing. People can social with each other easily . This brought people one step closer to each other

Some people have many followers , some had little but loyal ones while other are famous . Social media share information and bring people together . Because of this, demand grew and more people use the social media . One of the best way to social media is by using the internet . The internet had change the world and the way people interact and social with each other .

In conclusion, Social media is the power to today's world .


  1. Cool.. Im the first one to comment!! Totally agree on Social media is the power to today's world. Without it, no way the world can advance to the next stage. YaHoooooooooo~

  2. Wohooo i am the second one to comment.I.......agree agree agree with you just one click of the button of post comment you can share your unlimited information to the world, thats why Social media is the power to today's world.

  3. Yea... social media is the power to today's world. I was wondering...In the future, will people used social media and dominate the whole world? hahaha!!!
